Alexander Theroux
December 1, 2021 / 412 pages
ISBN 9780578304250 Paperback / $21.99
ISBN 9780578304236 Hardcover / $28.99

The second volume in Alexander Theroux's triad of short fictions.

Fables contains 21 stories by the National Book Award nominated author of the novels Three Wogs (1972), Darconville's Cat (1981), An Adultery (1987), and Laura Warholic (2007), as well as Collected Poems (2015) and other books of non-fiction.

Theroux's stories and fables have appeared in the New York Times, The Boston Globe Magazine, Esquire, Antaeus, Encounter, Massachusetts Review, Paris Review, Boston Monthly, Hardscuffle, Iowa Review, Mississippi Review, Conjunctions, and the Review of Contemporary Fiction.

The Schinocephalic Waif
The Great Wheadle Tragedy
The Wragby Cars
Master Snickup's Cloak
The Oxholt Violin
St. Winifred's Bells
The Loneliest Person in Scituate
Captain Birdseye's Expedition
A Christmas Fable
The Irresolution of Rachel Scroop
The Curse of the White Cartonnage
Finocchio; or, The Man with the Long Nose
Julia de Chateauroux; or, The Girl with Blue Hair
Queen Gloriana's Revenge
The Misanthropoetics of R. N. Thumbwheel
Mrs. Marwood's Spunkies
St. Malecroix
Zoroaster and Mrs. Titcomb
Song at Twilight: A Fable of Ancient China
Tell Me What Happened
The Enthronization of Vinegarfly


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